Kochkunst in Bildern 7 - Illustrated Culinary Art 7指定好物

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內容簡介: Culinary art connects the world! Hardly another event proofs this thesis as impressively as the IKA/Culinary Olympics of chefs. Every four years chefs, colleagues, trainees and their bosses meet in peaceful and friendly atmosphere from five continents. To cook, to study, to exchange experiences and to meet each other.

It was once again and for the 21st time from October 17th to 20th, 2004: The world of the culinary art met in Erfurt and guest of the Association of German chefs. Who did not attend has certainly missed a big occasion. In the expedition halls of Erfurt was a quite special atmosphere this time too after the successful first duration four years ago.

博客來The distinctive team spirit and the high motivation had to be felt as well as the joy in the innovation. The new trends are part of every IKA/Culinary Olympics whether in the competitions of the National, Armed Forces and Regional teams or at the Patissiers, the specialist of Institutional Dining and the numerous individual exhibitors. Only the active Olympic athletes know what privation effort and team spirit are behind such a competition. Without the numerous helpers and sponsors in the background the great event wouldn't be imaginable at all.

博客來網路書店博客來網路書局A special thank you goes to those people, who helped before and during the IKA/Culinary Olympics so that a real Olympic feeling could arise. They have contributed that more than 1000 engaged cooks from all over the world could proof for days what creatively cooking means. With a great concentration and know-how all participants have shown in Erfurt their special attachment in culinary art and for the cook profession. It was a joy to watch them and to be allowed to experience this.
?? That the culinary art will be not forgotten and be kept for the posterity, impressions and exhibits have been held tight since 1980 in word and picture of the IKA/Culinary Olympics for all cooks.

For the seventh time the Matthaes publishing house, Stuttgart, in cooperation with Hansjoachim
Mackes and several photographers surrounded with hardworking helpers are there to create another book of 'Culinary Art in Pictures'. The 7 th. edition is also a unique IKA documentation. They have succeeded in holding great moments and remarkable performances tight for the eternity.

The book reflects you the atmosphere and internationality which was noticeable in the exhibition halls and kitchens of Erfurt during the 21st IKA/Culinary Olympics. Like through a kaleidoscope you can see the impulses and ideas which were carried by the Thuringian City of Erfurt to the world. Photos of creations which will be seen here today, will be seen on the opposite side of the globe tomorrow.

Scrolling in 'Culinary Art in Pictures 7' will give you, dear readers, for a long time and insistently a reminder of the 21st edition of the Culinary Olympics in the year 2004. And it shall shorten the time for you until we re-meet at the next IKA/Culinary Olympics. We can be curious about the surprises which the chefs from all over the world will present us in the year 2008.


Matthaes Verlag GmbH

每四年舉辦一次的奧林匹克廚藝競賽(Int’l Chefs’ Olympiad)已於2004年10月於德國Erfurt落幕.此次大賽匯集全球各地1,100位頂級師傅所組成的70支隊伍參賽。而其紀念專輯已於2005年2月出版!

Kochkunst in Bildern No. 7 除了承襲其往年出版風格, 以三國語言 (英文/法文/德文)全彩圖片將參賽隊伍及其代表作品一一呈現,並首次製作CD-ROM附上1,000幀彩色照片- 由開幕典禮、廚藝活動、到頒獎典禮都有獵取,美不勝收,精采可期!


Kochkunst in Bildern 7 - Illustrated Culinary Art 7指定好物 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:桂魯    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2005/02/01
  • 語言:英文

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